Growing in wisdom, knowledge, and practice is an integral part of the Christian life. It's something we call "discipleship"--learning to follow Jesus more and more; becoming more like Him. Aside from hearing the Word of God proclaimed through preaching and singing during our worship services, we also seek to grow disciples through Bible study, corporate prayer, compassion ministries, evangelism opportunities, Christian education classes, and Christian fellowship.
Bible study classes meet every Sunday at 9:30 am, and on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, we have covered topics ranging from church history and doctrinal studies to evangelism training on how to share your faith. Our Men's and Women's ministries also meet monthly for fellowship, missions, and service projects.

Jesus valued children greatly, and so do we. We believe that children are capable of learning and understanding the beautiful truth of Scripture, so we provide classes on Sundays at 9:30 am and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm to teach them that truth in fun, age-appropriate ways. We also have Children's Church during the 10:30 am Sunday morning worship service for children 5 and under. We believe children's ministry is more than babysitting; we want our children to know and love Jesus Christ!
We take very seriously our responsibility to keep our children safe and well-cared for. All of our children's volunteers are screened and trained before serving, and we have policies in place designed to help us teach and care for children in the best possible ways.
We love serving families with special needs, so please be sure to talk with our volunteers about how we can best care for and interact with your child!
Teenagers are at a transition point in life. They are beginning to seriously consider what they believe about themselves, about the world, and about God. At the same time, they still just want to have fun with friends who love and accept them as they are. This is our goal for our Youth ministry--that it would be a place where teenagers know that they are loved, where they can have fun and make real friendships, where they can ask hard questions, and where they learn to find the answers to those questions in God's Word. Our youth meet for Bible study and fellowship on Sundays at 9:30 am, and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. They also have opportunities to serve our church and our community, as well as participate in mission projects throughout the year. The volunteers working with our youth have gone through the same screening and training process as our children's volunteers.